Sunday, May 29, 2016

Review: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Monte Carlo & Rome


Ini adalah post ketiga gue yang membahas NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream (NYX SMLC). Walau banyak yang ga terlalu suka sama produk ini but I love them and keep on buying more and more shades from this collection. Berhubung ini udah post ketiga, gue ga akan bahas lebih detil tentang kemasannya ya.

Fyi, baru-baru ini NYX mengeluarkan 12 warna baru dari seri SMLC. Salah satunya adalah shade Rome yang akan gue bahas sekarang. Gue sih ga hapal ya apa-apa aja warna barunya, yang gue inget cuma ada satu warna biru tua (Moscow). Sayangnya dia keburu habis pas gue mau order. Ga ngerti kenapa justru yang warna biru cepet abis, padahal biru gitu loh. Entah produksinya lebih sedikit, atau jumlah manusia yang suka warna bibir anti mainstream mulai bertambah banyak.


Berhubung makin banyak NYX SMLC yang palsu, gue mau kasi sedikit clue untuk tau produknya asli apa ngga. Warna Monte Carlo itu nomornya SMLC10, dan yang Rome adalah SMLC32. Kedua jenis warna itu ditempel pada bagian atas tutup dan bagian bawah tube-nya. Untuk info lebih detil tentang NYX SMLC palsu, kamu bisa cek link ini:








A photo posted by Esy Syamsiah (@esybabsy) on


NYX SMLC Monte Carlo

NYX Monte Carlo adalah warna deep red dengan nuansa sedikit ngepink. Bukan warna merah sejati. Atau banyak yang bilang ini warna merah buah ceri. Warna ini lumayan buildable tingkat kepekatannya. Kamu tinggal menambah beberapa layer lagi kalo kepengan hasil yang lebih 'deep'. Kalo ga pede sama warna ini, bisa juga kamu pake ala gradient lips.

NYX Rome adalah warna nude brown dengan sedikit hint pink. Ini warna nude yang sempurna banget untuk tone kulit warna apa aja. Ga terlalu gelap atau pucat. Gue belom pernah nemu warna nude dengan tone sesempurna ini. Hahaha lebay ya. 

Formula dari kedua shade ini juga bagus, halus dan gampang ratanya. Rata-rata kalo warna merah dan nude brown itu emang cakep sih formulanya. Beda sama yang warna kayak ungu tua atau bright/nude pink. Untuk aroma juga NYX masih mempertahankan aroma khas SMLC yang vanilla banget.

NYX SMLC tidak sama dengan matte lip stain yang akan set di bibir. Dari namanya aja udah 'SOFT MATTE', bukan DEAD MATTE. Dia memang akan berubah menjadi matte setelah beberapa menit tapi tidak akan set di bibir, jadi tetap akan nempel di gelas kalo kamu minum. Jadi bisa dibilang ini kayak lipstik matte tapi bentuknya cair. Gitu kali ya. Untuk daya tahannya juga ga sama dengan matte lip stain ya, walaupun gue bilang sih termasuk lumayan tahan dibanding lipstik creamy biasa.

Produk ini dijual dengan harga asli USD 6, tapi sampai ke Indonesia rata-rata berkisar IDR 100K. Harga di counter resmi juga ga beda jauh kok dengan di online shop.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Review: Pensil Alis Viva Warna Hitam


Coba lo tanya deh sama perempuan di endonesa, pensil alis apa yang paling legendaris? Kemungkinan besar pasti jawabnya Viva. Soalnya kalo gue nyari pensil alis yang bukan Viva di toko makeup, gue harus bilang gini: Mba, ada pensil alis ga? (Saat ini mba-nya langsung melipir ke rak yang ada pensil Viva), trus gue langsung bilang lagi gini: Tapi yang bukan Viva. (Trus mba-nya langsung belok ke rak yang laen). Itu kan udah jadi cukup bukti seberapa dahsyatnya image pensil ini di benak orang endonesa.

Pensil alis Viva ini sebenernya punya dua varian warna, hitam dan coklat. Gue pribadi lebih suka warna hitamnya karna menurut gue warna coklatnya itu terlalu kemerahan. Walaupun banyak yang bilang alis item itu nyeremin, tapi buat gue lebih serem kalo duit bulanan udah menipis tapi gajian masih 3 minggu lagi.


KEMASAN. Hmmm, kalo soal ngomongin kemasan, gue gak yakin ini bisa dibilang kemasan. Soalnya bentuknya itu cuma pensil, gak pake kemasan apa-apa. Gak ada segel, plastik, selotip, atau apa lah. Bahkan saat dipajang di rak pun pensil ini benar-benar bugil. Paling banter dikaretin sama pensil laen biar ga gelinding. Warna pensilnya itu oranye dengan tutup yang meruncing. Tutupnya ini cakep banget, bisa buat smudge kalo pengen bikin gradasi alis di pangkal alis. Seluruh keterangan produk tercetak di badan pensil dengan font berwarna emas. Tapi untuk tanggal kadaluarsanya dicetak menggunakan font hitam.

Indikasi warnanya itu juga ga ada tulisannya. Satu-satunya yang bisa bedain dia item atau coklat cuma ada di bagian dasar pensil. Kalo yg coklat, bawahnya coklat. Begitu juga sebaliknya.

Oh ya, karna akhir-akhir ini banyak isu beredar kalo pensil Viva mulai banyak palsunya, maka untuk membandingkan, ini beberapa foto produknya dari berbagai sisi. Gue yakin kok pensil yang gue punya ini asli karena belinya di web Viva langsung.



Ternyata buatan Jepun bro!

Buat kalian yang udah sering beli pensil ini dari jaman prasejarah, mungkin ada yang notice kalo tatanan hurufnya ada yang beda. Mama mertua tersayang sempet komplain pensilnya palsu, soalnya pensil beliau yang dulu-dulu itu ga ada tulisan PT Vitapharm-nya. Tapi gue sih mikir ini versi yang udah up to date-nya. So, jangan keburu mikir ini palsu. Kalo ga yakin, belinya di toko yang udah kamu percaya aja.



TEKSTUR pensil ini ditengah-tengah antara empuk dan keras. Pas deh istilahnya. Kalo kelamaan ga dipake, atau pas baru beli emang kayaknya keras. Saran gue mending dicoret-coret dulu di punggung tangan biar agak 'anget', jadi pas mau dipake gak keras-keras amat.

WARNA hitam dari pensil ini menurut gue juga ga ireng-ireng banget. Lebih menjurus ke abu-abu tua malah. Seperti yang gue bilang, itemnya ini menurut gue lebih bagus dari coklatnya yang terlalu merah. Gue ngerasa alis gue keliatan lebih alami kalo pake pensil item. Kalo ga mau keliatan item banget, jangan mengerahkan seluruh tenaga dalam kamu ketika menggambar alis. Arsir aja pelan-pelan dengan garis kecil putus-putus. Ya pokoknya kayak kamu lagi arsir gambar deh.

Untuk DAYA TAHAN sih gue ga bisa bilang pensil ini bener-bener bagus ya, karena kalo dibasuh air aja dia udah pudar dikit. Dulu kalo gue pake kerja, kena keringet, kena wudhu beberapa kali,  malem pas udah sampe rumah, alis gue udah ga karuan bentuknya. Untung aja dulu gue cuek ama penampilan. Mungkin kalo sekarang gue udah sibuk touch up. Tapi kalo cuma mau dipake ke acara yang sebentar-sebentar aja sih lumayan lah.


Gambar di atas itu cuma sedikit perbandingan dengan pensil alis SilkyGirl yang warna hitam. Ga tau kenapa gue upload gambar yang rada ga nyambung ya. Pokoknya kalo gue bandingin sama Silky Girl yang item, mereka berdua ini beda-beda tipis. So option gue kalo ga nemu Viva, ya Silky Girl lah.

Hasil dari pensil alis emang ga bisa dibandingin dengan pake eyebrow powder atau pomade yang so pasti lebih halus, tapi kalo buat sehari-hari sih cukup lah. Ga perlu hasil yang perfect banget. Lagian biarpun pake pomade, gue tetep lebih suka bikin garis alis pake pensil. Beda tajemnya.

Pensil ini gue beli di web Viva dengan harga Rp. 32.000. Pastinya jadi lebih murah kalo beli di offline ya.

A photo posted by Esy Syamsiah (@esybabsy) on

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tutorial: Ombre Lips Using Matte Liquid Lip Colors


Udah lama gue ga bikin video. Kali ini gue mau kasi tau cara gue bikin ombre lips style menggunakan matte liquid lip color. Ombre lips itu sebenernya mirip-mirip kayak gradient lips ala Korea. Cuma bedanya kalo gradient lips lebih ke warna natural bibir, sedangkan Ombre Lips lebih luas lagi macemnya. Intinya sih tetep menekankan pada gradasi dua atau lebih warna lipstik di bibir kamu.

Mungkin banyak yang udah gape lah bikin ombre lips. Tapi di sini gue mau bikin tutorial menggunakan liquid matte lip colors yang akhir-akhir ini lagi ngetrend. Seringkali suka sebel kan bikinnya sedangkan produk udah keburu kering di bibir sebelom sempat di blend warnanya.

Untuk pemilihan warna, elo bisa gonta-ganti sesuai selera, atau sesuai produk yang elo punya. Hehehe.

Yuk simak video ini!

Products used:
  • BH Cosmetics Liquid Lipstick in Cha Cha
  • LA Girl Cosmetics Matte Pigment Gloss in Stunner

Selamat mencoba!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Review: Maybelline Dream Satin Skin Air Whipped Foundation in B00

Akhir-akhir ini gue jarang membahas lipstik, lagi males beli lipstik, lagian gue merasa agak eneg sama lipstik. Sori ya, lip. Bukannya gue kaga perhatian lagi sama elu lip, tapi emang gue lagi begah ama elu. Ntar kalo gue kangen, someday lo juga bakal gue review lagi. Oke lip? Lop you lip.

Oke, kembali ke topik.

Perhatian gue sedang ter-isep ke bagian foundation. Gue ngerasa koleksi gue di bagian ini agak minim, kalopun ada ya cuma BB cream, yang mana BB cream itu bagusnya cuma buat makeupin anak muda. Kalo buat orang tua yang kulitnya agak bermasalah, yaaa bye bye deh.

Foundation dari Maybelline ini gue beli, alasannya karena gue suka bodinya yang mengkilap dan langsing. Kayaknya manteb aja gitu kalo digenggam. Gue belom pernah baca review-nya sama sekali, jadi emang sembarangan banget sih. Bahasa kerennya: impulsive buying.


KEMASAN. Seperti yang gue bilang, kemasannya itu terbuat dari botol pump kaca transparan dan tutup plastik transparan. Pump-nya itu lumayan bagus. Ga suka macet-macet. Tutup bagian dalemnya juga gampang dibuka, tinggal tarik aja. Jadi kalo produknya udah mau habis dan susah dipompa keluar, tinggal buka aja tutup di dalamnya dan tuang atau korek isinya.


KLAIM. Kalo baca tulisan di belakangnya sih, klaim Maybelline ini bisa dibilang wonderful banget ya, yaitu membuat kulit keliahatan halus, coverage yang oke banget, tahan lama, dan melembabkan. Produk ini juga mengandung SPF 24 PA++, yang mana kalo buat fotografi kayaknya kurang oke. Bisa kena white cast. Tapi untuk pemakaian sehari-hari oke banget.



WARNA yang gue punya adalah B00. Cuma itu aja namanya, gue bolak-balik botolnya, tapi ga ada keterangan nama shade-nya. Fyi, B00 adalah warna yang paling terang. Sayangnya gue gak tau ada apa aja varian warnanya. Dan setelah gue search di web Maybelline, produk ini juga gak nampak. Ya sudah, buat yang pengen tau shade-nya apa aja, boleh maen ke konternya langsung ya. Hehehe.


Warna B00 ini kayaknya cocok buat kalian yang punya kulit terang. Ya iyaaalaaah, secara shade paling terang kaleee. Bisa dibilang ini warna ivory dengan undertone kekuningan. Teksturnya cair menyerupai gel, jadi gak encer-encer banget. Gampang juga di blendnya dan halus banget, diusek-usek pake jari juga rata.



Jadi kan kulit gue itu NC25. Gak semua warnanya sama sih, badan gue belang-belang. Di gue warna B00 ini agak sedikit keputihan, walaupun ga terlalu lebay. Gimana ya jelasinnya. Sedikit keputihan tapi masih ngeblend gitu. Mungkin karena dia yellow undertone.

COVERAGE & TEXTURE. Coverage foundation ini gue bilang medium, dan buildable banget. Gue ga bilang dia low coverage karena so far masih ada foundation yang coverage-nya lebih low dari ini (UD Naked Skin). Di contoh foto di atas gue cuma pake 1 layer foundation dan udah nutup banget, terutama lingkaran hitam gue yang kebangetan. Noda hitam, bekas jerawat, dan kemerahan yang minim udah ketutup. Selama beberapa jam setelahnya pun nggak retak. Sayangnya, teksturnya agak lengket, apalagi kalo gue pake outdoor. Harus di-set lagi pake bedak baru agak lumayan.

DAYA TAHAN foundation ini standar aja. Di kulit gue yang normal-berminyak, dia stay selama kurang lebih 5-6 jam di lingkungan outdoor. Eh, tapi ga tau ya segitu termasuk lumayan atau bagus hehehe. Kecuali di hidung. Ga ada 1 jam juga udah jadi kilang minyak. 

OVERALL gue bilang produk ini lumayan bagus dipake untuk acara non formal atau sehari-hari karena karena terdapat kandungan SPF, coverage-nya yang medium, dan daya tahannya yang biasa aja. Untuk acara yang lebih hardcore, kamu butuh yang lebih hardcore pula dari ini, atau maybe bisa dicampur dengan cream foundation. Produk ini gue beli dengan harga sekitar IDR 110-120K di counter Maybelline.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Review: Urban Decay Naked Skin Weightless Ultra Definition Liquid Makeup No. 2.0

Lately, I'm in search of good base makeup items, and purchasing this is actually a part of that adventure. Just like my previous post about VDL foundation, I'm probably gonna post more about base makeups. So, yeah, let's see what I think about this product.



THE PACKAGING is awesome. Comes in a skinny transparent pump bottle and gunmetal cap, and also some copper-colored box. It looks like something you'd be proud of having because of its expensive looking exterior. The pump also work well to dispense the product. It also comes with something like a ball inside the bottle for mixing purpose. Yes, you have to shake the product well before use, something that I often forgot.


Aqua (Water/Eau), Cyclopentasiloxane, Butylene Glycol, Silica, Cyclohexasiloxane, Dimethicone, PEG/PPG-18/18 Dimethicone, Sodium Chloride, Camellia Oleifera Leaf Extract, Litchi Chinensis Pericarp Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate, Tribehenin, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7, Sodium Hyaluronate, Glycerin, Dimethicone/PEG-10/15 Crosspolymer, Dimethicone/Polyglycerin-3 Crosspolymer, Isopropyl Titanium Triisostearate, Polysorbate 20, Disodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Propylene Glycol, Carbomer, Cetyl PEG/PPG-10/1 Dimethicone, Hexyl Laurate, Polyglyceryl-4 Isostearate, Caprylyl Glycol, Phenoxyethanol.

All shades may contain:
CI 77891 (Titanium Dioxide), CI 77491/77492/77499 (Iron Oxides).

THE CLAIMS. One thing that attracts me most to buy this is because they claim to be a lightweight foundation which not only cover your imperfection, but also improve your skin condition, as if you were born with naturally flawless skin. I feel like the need to have that kind of foundation, something that I would not hesitate to wear everyday.



THE TONE. They launch this product in 24 different shades, ranging from the fairest to the darkest. I think this would be a great benefit for people with rare skin tones. The shade names don't have a certain name, they just number it. My shade is No. 2 which is the fourth fairest shade. There is no yellow or pink undertone, this one is a true light beige which perfectly match my NC25 skin tone.

THE TEXTURE itself is surprisingly very liquid. Once I pump it out onto my hand, it will drip right away if I twist my hand. Judging from this, I immediately doubt its ability in coverage. It also has some funny chemical smell, like spray paint smell. Maybe some of you remember the smell of LA Girl Matte Pigment Gloss, or Revlon Colorstay Foundation. Well, they all smell similar. I don't know if this is a good thing or not. Maybe a product with funky smell doesn't have so many fragrance, which is also a benefit for people with sensitive skin. Is that right? CMIIW.



THE COVERAGE. As I said earlier, I just can't expect too much coverage from a foundation that has 'weightless' word on its name. On the picture above was me wearing three coats of the product and it still can't cover the imperfections on my normal-oily skin. This foundation was meant to be worn on people with minimum skin problem, and as for me, this low-medium coverage is enough. I just need something to balance my tone. It really feels and looks lightweight on my skin.

THE LONGEVITY. Despite its low coverage, I just can't describe how much I was mesmerized by its longevity. My days usually start at 5 AM to 1 PM outdoor in a very hot and humid city. During that time I don't even need touch up, and my face doesn't look more greasy even if I don't coat this with face powder. This foundation just sit there, sweat proof, and waterproof.

Overall, I must say I really love this foundation since it feels lightweight. It doesn't cover much but I don't have too many skin problems, so I'm fine with that. For the sake of higher coverage, I can use my other foundations or simply mix this with some more thicker products. This cost for about USD 40 on original website. I bought this for about SGD 65 at Sephora. Some online stores in Indonesia sold this for IDR 400K to 450K. Unfortunately, you can only buy this thru' online in Indonesia, at least for the time being. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Review: VDL Perfecting Last Foundation in V02

Usually I'm always fascinated about BB cream by Korean cosmetics, because as far as I know, their BB creams are one of the best. But when offered me to choose several items from their collections, I feel like I have to try on one of their foundation products, so I chose VDL. To be honest, it was the very first time I ever heard of this brand, so pickin' up this product was like a gambling. It was actually an eeny-meeny-miny-moe picking method. A sloppy person is pretty much me in general.


PACKAGING. This product comes in a frosted glass bottle and dark blue holographic carton box. What I like most about it is the pump provided. I always fancy the kind of product with squeeze tube or pump bottle since it's more hygienic. The size is just the right one but the bottle is awfully heavy and not travel friendly.





It has an 18-month period after first opening. 




The shade I chose was V02 which is the second darkest tone of all four.



THE CONSISTENCY is a good balance between gel and liquid. Not too runny nor thick. There's a refreshing fragrance emanates from the product. Not too overpowering and will fade gradually. 

THE TONE. The shade V02 has a nice beige undertone. I feel glad since I don't have to deal with annoying yellowish or pinkish undertone. Unfortunately this shade is kinda too bright for my NC25 skintone, maybe I should have chosen the shade A03 instead. But it's still acceptable since I wear hijab, so the different color between my face and my neck won't be visible. And also, applying face powder slightly darker than my skin tone will help it blend a little bit.


THE COVERAGE is amazing. Just one pump is more than enough to cover the whole face resulted in medium to high coverage. I don't even need y concealer to cover my dark circle. The finish is tend to matte, although there's a tiny hint of glow. For my normal-oily skin, I don't need to set it with face powder on daily basis, so it kinda saves time. It also blends very easily and smooth. 

LONGEVITY. This foundation stays pretty well for about 4-6 hours for outdoor activity, but since my nose is super oily, it starts to look greasy in just an hour. Also, no oxidation occurs during that time. I love how my skin doesn't react negatively towards this product. No pimple nor redness occurs.

Overall this is one of the best foundation I have ever tried in almost all of the aspects. The only thing that bug me is their color chart which is too few and too light for most Indonesian skin tone. 

VDL Perfecting Last Foundation cost for about USD 25-27 for 30 ml of product, and sold in Indonesia for about IDR 500K++.

Where to buy this:

You can use my coupon code for 10% discount until the end of April 2016!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Review: Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint Pack (Sexy Red, Bubble Pink, Virgin Red, Pure Pink, Vivid Scarlet, Lovely Peach)

It seems that lip tattoo has become a trend nowadays. Although I'd prefer to wear matte lipstick, but I don't mind trying out new things. The only eligible brand I know that launch such product is Berrisom (please corrct me if I'm wrong) and I feel so lucky to have such a generous online store sending all six shades to me for review purpose. 

Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint Pack is basically peel-off lip stain, means you obtain the colors on your lips by applying the product onto your lips and peeling it after several minutes. The set that I got was packed in a black carton box without individual box. Each product itself was infused in a squeeze plastic tubes. No such things as seal was found. The only seal I could find was a tiny silver tape on each tube which can be easily torn. But as long as you find a super clean tube on the inside, you'll now you have a brand new product

THE APPLICATOR has a quite big hole and the its angled surface was meant to make the application process easier.

I really can't read Korean, but at least we know they have 15 grams of products and PAO (Period After Opening) of six months. So it's better to recycle it after that given time.

The directions of use was also printed at the back of the carton box and you'll definitely understand even if you can't read Hangul, but I feel like creating of my own. ^_^

Directions of use:
  1. After moisten your lips, apply an appropriate amount of product onto your lips. Make it as neat as possible.
  2. Let it dry for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Peel it off carefully.
  4. And voila! Your lips change color!

Upper: First applied
Bottom: Peeled off after 15 minutes

THE TEXTURE was some very thick colorful gel. The thicker you apply, the longer it will dry as well as the more stain you'll have. Each of them has that fruity scent depending on each name. What really scares is that they are awfully sour. I didn't intend to taste them, but you will, unintentionally.

APPLYING this product is a bit tricky since the hole on the applicator is quite big. Until now, somehow, I still can't manage to do it neatly. For those who have thin lips will find it harder to apply. Applying this using tools won't give much help since the gel will dry and stuck on your brushes/tools. Also you really need a lot of product to cover your entire lips, so considering each tube has only 15 grams of product, I'm sure these will be quickly discharged.

Another importance notice is that, NEVER ever apply this onto your chapped lips as the peeling off process will be hurt since some of your lips will also be peeled-off. Ugh!

Okay, so before wo move on the swatches on my lips, this is my actual lip color. It's light colored with a small amount darkness around the edges. The result might be different on those with darker or lighter lips.

Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint in SEXY RED

SEXY RED might have the darkest gel color and packaging but once it peeled-off the color changed into some berry pink. It's not quite bold in real life.


Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint in VIRGIN RED

VIRGIN RED is a very pretty pure red and the peel-off result is also a very nice bold red, like it's your natural lip color.


Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint in BUBBLE PINK

BUBBLE PINK is will turn your lips into fuchsia. 


Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint in PURE PINK

PURE PINK might like like peachy orange when wet, but will turn into a nice soft pink once it's peeled-off.


Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint in VIVID SCARLET

 VIVID SCARLET is a dark orange. This color is actually very bold. Just as bold as the Virgin Red.


Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint in LOVELY PEACH

LOVELY PEACH is the lightest color. Your lips will changed color into a light orange, as if you just squeezed an actual orange onto your lips.


Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint is never a lipstick product, it's meant to give just a slight tint on your lips, as if it's your natural lip color. That's why the result are ALWAYS sheer. 

THE LONGEVITY was said to be 12 hours, but it doesn't turn out that way on me. The color vanished just after about 6-8 hours. Of course I also eat during that time. So, the 12 hour longevity might be achieved if you don't eat, drink, nor lick your lips.

THE DRYNESS was also quite bad. I have to add another layer of lip balm afterwards, or else, at the end of the day, I'll find my lips chapped.

So overall, Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint is quite interesting. I used to cringe with the whole peel-off cosmetics concept, but once I try I kinda like it. The only thing that bother me is the 15-minute waiting time and the dryness, but overall I like the result. 

You might consider buying this lo lighten up your actual lip color which are maybe quite dark, maybe you get tired of priming your lips with lip pencil or concealer. This could be another option.

Where to buy:

Use my coupon code to get special discount of 10% until the end of April 2016.

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